Friday, March 23, 2007

Absolute Rotary Encoder suits miniature applications

Measuring 13 mm dia and 17.5 mm high, Model MAS10-256-G delivers 8 bits of absolute position information with gray code, parallel output. It is capable of operating within 0-60[degrees]C temperature range and can accurately measure rotary process as fast as 6,000 rpm. Unit requires 5 Vdc input supply voltage with 40 mA max current. Applications include medical devices, instrumentation, and robotics.


CUI Inc introduces a new miniature absolute encoder designed for applications where limited space is a consideration. Measuring 13 mm in diameter and 17.5 mm high, the MAS10-256-G is one of the smallest absolute rotary encoders in the industry. The units are designed for a number of applications, including medical devices, instrumentation, and robotics. The MAS10 delivers 8 bits (256 PPR) of absolute position information with a gray code, parallel output. Capable of operating within a 0 to 60* C temperature range, the unit can accurately measure the rotary process as fast as 6000rpm. The MAS10 requires 5 V dc input supply voltage with a 40 mA max current. Call for OEM pricing.

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