Thursday, March 29, 2007


METALFORM '05, Rosemont, IL, March 20-23. Precision Metalforming Association. Register online at: or Phone: 216-901-8800

North American Robot Safety Conference, Toronto, March 21-23. Robotic Industries Association and the Canadian Standards Association. Phone: 734-994-6088

Outperform Your Competition-Increase Productivity Through Automation, Chicago, March 24; Detroit, April 29; Latrobe, PA, May 11; Charlotte, NC, June 15; Irvine, CA, June 21; Wichita, KS, Sept. 20; Knoxville, TN, Sept. 22. Sponsored by GE Fanuc, SME, Fanuc Robotics, Kennametal, Modern Machine Shop, Automotive Design & Production, Renishaw, and American Machinist.SME Professional Development Conference, Los Angeles, April 4. SME

WESTEC 2005 Exposition, Los Angeles, April 4-7. SME

WESTEC 2005 Technical Conferences, Los Angeles, April 5-7. SME

Digital Manufacturing & Manufacturing Process Management, Los Angeles, April 6. SME

Lean Manufacturing Ten-Day Certificate Program, Ann Arbor, MI, April 11-15. University of Michigan Center for Professional Development. Phone: 734-647-7200

Fort Wayne Chapter 56 Manufacturing Expo 2005, Ft. Wayne, IN, April 13. SME

Making Waves: Integrating RFID into Your Supply Chain, St. Louis, April 18. SME

Automation & Assembly Summit, St. Louis,

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