Monday, October 15, 2007

IT Philosophy 404

In the not so far-off future information technology systems thanks to rapidly advancing artificial intelligence programs will be able to run entire companies based on the data coming in from the various outlets, factories, distribution points and sales in the marketplace. Additionally these artificially intelligent corporate executives will be able to scan the Internet, the competition and the changing demographics and 100% of the world's demographic regions to make their decision.

These information technology systems with artificial intelligence will all be connected in a net centric way and they will be able to take hundreds of thousands or more, perhaps even millions of points of data and use that to make decisions, which are best for the shareholder, quarterly profits and future viability of the corporation as it keeps expanding.

These information technology systems when connected to an artificially intelligent brain will literally be able to replace the corporate executives and eliminate many of the problems that we find in humans with greed, ego and fear that is caused through change management. Organizational capital will not be a problem anymore because organizational capital will be replaced by hardware and software expenditures in artificial intelligence. In other words you will be able to buy organizational capital and hook it to your information technology system.

Am I scaring you so far; are our computers going to take over the world? Well, eventually it makes sense to have corporations run by computers rather than humans and in a way many of the factory workers who have been laid off by robotics who now have no job, because robotics are said to be more efficient, will now get to laugh last as the corporate executives get the axe.

If corporations are being run by artificially intelligent computers that are hooked to information technology systems then it makes sense that eventually our government will also be run by the same. And although this is just a futurist thought, you can also assume if the IT systems are programmed properly there will be no more corruption in government, as it will run as smooth as possible and sufficiently calm the taxpayers from their distrust in government waste. The importance will be that those who program it will indeed do so in a responsible manner. Perhaps you might consider this in 2006.