Ever wonder how Think Tanks are able to come up with some of the ideas and innovations that they do? Well, it is not what you think. The members come from various backgrounds with only some commonality. Their best chance for a revolutionary break through is to have massive input from experiences, education, observations, dialogues, research and reading.
Let us take a day in the life of the Online Think Tank and consider some of the books they reviewed and topics discussed to get the group humming and ready to win. Below is today's book list and we shall dissect them and what was entered into an on-going dialogue.
"Viruses, Plagues and History" by Michael B. A. Oldstone - 1998. The book discusses Smallpox, Measles, Influenza, Laasa, Hanta, HIV- AIDS, Polo, Yellow Fever, BSE, CJD, and Ebola viruses. The book discussed; H1N1, H2N2, H3N2 and the re-emergence of the H1N1 Russian Flu. It paints a grim look into the future as the World comes closer together and although not mentioned specifically makes one realize the dangers of mutations and evolutions of the HIV-AIDS virus and the Bird Flu H5N1 virus. Chronic Waste disease is also an issues as well as such things as possibilities of human assisted bio-weaponized viruses, such as a Flu mixed with an Ebola strain. Not very pleasant to think about, but very important to watch closely.
The Online Think Tank has been working with various ways to protect the United States in the event of such a Biological Situation causing a catastrophe. How real is this situation - very real and it is important to consider, as our entire civilization and society could one day in the future be at risk.
"Communion - A True Story" by Whitley Strieber, 1987. The UFO field is often poo' poo'ed by academia and folks like Whitely Strieber have been ridiculed, but why? We all know there are anomalies in the life experience and many cannot be explained away so easily. Religion tries to explain away phenomena, so does science, yet we know that are both are proximities or partial guess and only bathed in limited observation and truth. So, why give Whitley Strieber a hard time for his claimed experiences, as it is nothing more than a competing explanation, no worse than many religions. Indeed science itself is constantly revising its theories and explanations.
It is somewhat ego-centric to think that there is no life other intelligent life in the Universe and arrogant to think that human beings are at the top of the top of the food chain in that regard. If we think on the reality of Drake's Equation and listen to the words of such folks as Isaac Asimov, Carl Sagan or Steven Hawking, then it would be hard to deny. Whether Communion is real, based on a perceived experience or complete Science Fiction really makes no difference, these thoughts and concepts must be discussed and considered.
"The Power to Get What You Want Out of Life" by Frank A. Kostyu - 1964. Many people consider this book a classic motivational book, one of the first big ones and I tend to agree with this. Dreaming and believing to achieve is a main point of the book and emerges in the introduction and first chapter as central considerations to those who wish to succeed and fulfill their desires. Imagination, visual imagery and will are parts of this central theme, coupled with a positive mental attitude. The book discussing decision making, how to get things done, controlling emotions, as well as using anger, humor and laughter to get there quickly.
It seems so often many give up their life experience and focus thru various efforts of social engineering, religion, politics, and or trickery. Often those in a leadership position use tactics, which are against the best interests of the individual to get them to perform or move their line of thinking and direction. It is important to understand what you want and strive to secure it while making sure no one else is damaged by your pursuits.
"The Limits - A Search for New Values" by Maxine Schnall - 1981. This is also considered a classic and discusses getting value out of your life experience at work, home, volunteerism, relationships, family, school, etc. The book takes us thru the cultural norms of American Society in the Depression 1930s, Patriotic 40s, Togetherness 50s, Revolutionary 60, Me Generation 70s and leaves us with advice going forward.
Twenty-six years later we see our Information age speeding up our society to the point that people are over stressed, upset often and have a tough time finding value in their lives. Maybe this book needs to be updated, re-written and re-introduced to bookstores across the nation. What say you? The Online Think Tank believes this ought to be a future project.
"The Mars Pathfinder - Approach to Faster-Better-Cheaper, an employee handbook on innovation" by Pritchett and Associates - 1998. This book with full illustrations was written for NASA and JPL. The incredible successes of robotics, Mars missions and recent innovations shows that mankind really can do something. The book speaks to disciplined creativity and how to increase innovation without stifling individual thought - also it talks about planning, improvising, believing with the NASA "Can Do!" attitude.
For those who doubt the robotic future in human societies, think again, as our robots are cruising on other worlds right now, and we are not. Many still wonder where our Flying Cars are and the Artificial Intelligent Androids that will help us around the house and be our old-age nurses. The fact is that what is going on in robotic research now has huge prospects for the future, so do not discount that reality, it cometh.
"How to Become an Expert - 6 Steps to being an Authority on Any Subject" by Stephen J. Spignesi - 2000. An instant expert is someone who is able to learn a great deal in a very short time about a particular subject. The author points to the importance of such skills such as writing a Book, Magazine Article, Term Paper or delivering a speech. As an Online Writer, I am somewhat concerned with this because being book smart is not the same as actual experience and observation. Having both of course is the best option. Having had time to experience and reflect and think is too an important part of the "expert" title. The author is quick to note that "instant expert" is somewhat of a misnomer, and would prefer the concept of full-force study without wasting time. A six step process is offered in the Introduction:
1. Immersion
2. Notes
3. Review and Think
4. Make Outlines or Table of Contents
5. Chapter by Chapter working thru it
6. Review and Polish Contents.
Get your facts straight first and then you can tell anyone you please is one very interesting comment in the book and it is thus all about credibility. When immersing yourself in information be sure to look into any of the books that keep popping up as references or websites that are sited. Look up the background of all the authors that are cited in bibliographies, research papers and google all information in the field to make sure you did not miss anything.
Indeed, myself I always do this automatically and therefore agree with such advice, it works, sometimes it takes 50-100 websites with 250 pages of additional text and leads to 20 more 30-50 page research papers but it is all worth it.
This book also states that when reviewing and thinking you must think of hundreds of related subjects or topics related to the area you are trying to become an expert in. Think of lots of ideas, not just a few and eventually focus on only a few later when trying to innovate in that particular endeavor, industry or field of knowledge. And isn't it fitting that those in the Online Think Tank agree with this comment wholeheartedly? Sincerely, Lance.