American Corporations today have a cure for the lack of work ethic in the United States and it is called robotics. Robotics in manufacturing will solve the labor issues once and for all. Apparently the Modern Methods of Management first outlined by Friedrich Winslow Taylor were lost along the way. Unfortunately on top of this unfortunate eventuality Unions grew too powerful after finding liberal politicians along the way in the last century, both of which together bread a sense of entitlement to the masses. Then in the last three decades lawyers jumped into the fray convincing people that nothing was their fault and showed the people how they had a right to be irresponsible. The public liked this new paradigm, in fact they embraced it; Indeed what a great life, you are entitled to live well, do little and enjoy the fruits of the productivity of the greatest civilization ever created in the History of Mankind, without doing anything. Without contributing your best efforts or at best a half-ass effort would be viewed as acceptable. And best of all as long as you voted for those who promised to give you more for doing less, less is all you would ever have to give. Isn’t that great?
Well enough is enough say the Modern Corporation, if you do not want to work, we will get robots to do it. Today, robots, not people, make most of the cars we buy and the ones laborers do make, only a small percentage of those car parts are touched by human hands. Manufacturing in many of these regions of our country, which make automobiles, no longer employs the masses it use to. In fact many of these areas of our nation have moved to a larger retail and service-based employment.
Since the American worker could care less about putting in a days work for a days pay, we will now move to robotics in manufacturing. When building manufacturing facilities, which are run by robots, we need little if any lighting. After all robotic machinery could care less if it is dark or not. They are not bothered by Neon flickering lights, in fact the lighting ads no real productivity to the robotic machines. They have sensors using sound, laser, lidar and have no worries about the light. I therefore propose using LED lights, which will run off the rumble of the machinery or its vibrational energy. How so? Well, simple really, as this technology already exists and is being used in hand-held flashlights.
I propose we take this technology and use the bumps and vibrations of the machinery to power up the factory lights using electromagnetic induction technology to charge a capacitor instead of working off a the power grid, back-up power or battery power. Currently there are some nifty micro-flashlights being used which you can buy which use a similar technique and are available thanks to the Everlite Flashlight technology research lab. These smaller flashlights work by shaking them for about thirty seconds and shine for about 6 minutes and they shine quite bright since they use a very bright LED light.